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How to make offers compelling and effective

How to make offers compelling and effective

As we all know, a sale is simply a reduction in the price to attract consumers. The advantages of a sales promotion for a business are clear. Sales have benefits, such as stock clearance, revenue generation and increasing brand awareness. However, a sale can also be a clever marketing strategy to attract new customers and re-engage existing ones. 

Discounts and offers aren’t a new concept. However, many businesses find that their offers don’t have the desired effect. Either they are reaching the right audience, and they are not getting taken up, or they can’t seem to reach the right people. Either way, how do you know what you are getting wrong? 

Like any marketing channel, leaflet advertising campaigns align all the very basic elements of advertising and marketing, including:-

Leafletdrop offer targeted leaflet distribution campaigns based on data to identify which households are more likely to respond to your marketing campaign. With a Leafletdrop campaign, you will know that you are reaching the right target audience, so let’s discuss how to ensure your discounts and offers can make the maximum impact.

How much can you afford to offer?

Depending on your product or service offering and potentially some seasonality – look at your margins and determine how much you can afford to discount or offer. A 10% discount is unlikely to draw the eye as this is a fairly standard and non-influencing discount when you consider how much this would actually take off a VAT price. This is only likely to put an idea in potential customers’ heads so that they shop around for brands with a better deal. 

On the other hand, everyone loves a whopping 30-50% that is made prominent by strategic leaflet design. A more enticing offer is likely to convert at much higher rates. There’s a reason that end-of-season and closing-down sales perform so well! Everyone loves a bargain.

This being said, make sure to stick to your budget! Promising more than you can afford to discount will only hurt your business in the long term.

Optimise your leaflet copy

To make the discount for your products or services substantial enough to draw interest, ensure your leaflet has the correct power words to support your promotion. Recipients not only like a hefty discount offer but will also be drawn by words that offer ‘free’ or the ever-successful ‘buy one get one free’ or BOGOF offer. 

Words that imply a more personalised campaign will also influence engagement with your leaflet advertising, such as ‘exclusive’ and ‘trial’, as these suggest that the offer is only accessible to a smaller group. 

Using these powerful words (and a significant cost saving) will also promote sharing of your leaflet – everyone likes to share something that helped them.

Strategic leaflet design 

Leaflet design is one of the most important elements involved in getting customers to notice your discount and engage with your campaign. Here are some leaflet design tips for your special offer flyer:

  • Use bold and vibrant colours that contrast with the background to make the discount offer visually appealing.
  • Consider using high-quality images or illustrations that are relevant to your product or service.
  • Place the offer near the top or in a central location, ensuring that it stands out from other information on the leaflet.
  • Use larger font sizes or bold typography to emphasize the percentage or discount that customers can enjoy.
  • Use phrases like "Act Now," "Don't Miss Out," or "Shop Today" to encourage customers to utilise the discount offer.
  • Use symbols, graphics, or icons to represent the discount, such as a slashed price tag or a progress bar indicating the savings.
  • Include brief testimonials or customer reviews highlighting the value and benefits of your product or service. 
  • Incorporate coupon codes or QR codes that customers can easily scan or use during their purchase to avail of the discount. 

Leafletdrop can put you in touch with one of our experienced leaflet designers to help you with a special offer leaflet template that you could use for future campaigns! Get in touch to find out more.

Make Offers Time Limited

One final consideration when it comes to making leaflet distribution work well is to make any offers or discounts time limited. 

Along with exclusivity and a substantial cost saving, limiting the window of availability helps to convert recipients into customers due to time pressure. Given the fact that leaflets are kept within the household for significant periods of time, make sure that the time limit is sensible but not too extended. Anything longer than a month may see reduced engagement as there is no urgency. 

If at any stage you need any help from Leafletdrop, the UK’s leading leaflet advertising partner, call our team on 01628 20816611 or get started on your first campaign.


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