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Factors Affecting Cost of Leaflet Distribution

Factors Affecting Cost of Leaflet Distribution

The thought of paying for hundreds, if not thousands, of leaflets to be created and delivered can quickly put many businesses off the idea of a Leafletdrop campaign. Especially for start-ups and other small companies, it’s understandable to worry about the costs and ROI from a door drop campaign when it will involve using a proportion of your budget.

To make it simpler for your business, we’ve put together this brief guide which explains the considerations to make and more for pricing up your campaign. Once you’ve priced up leaflet distribution and know what you can afford, it should be a lot easier and more effective to budget for your campaign.

What Affects the Costs?

While the number of leaflets you get printed and delivered will have the largest impact on price, there is more to it. The easiest way to price up leaflet distribution is to use our free online calculator, which quickly and accurately provides you with a clear total cost. All of the factors which will impact the total price of a leaflet campaign include:

  • The size of the leaflet
  • How many sides of the leaflet are printed
  • Paper weight
  • Finish of the paper
  • Number of households for delivery

You may also pay an expert to design your leaflets first, which should be included in the overall costs. Organising your own printing can work out cheaper in some cases, though it involves more than one expense which can further complicate proceedings. If you do, the style can be anything you want but leaflets can’t exceed 20 grams in weight and 5mm in depth. If you would like to find out more about distributing items that do exceed these limitations, or require help with your design, please contact us on 01628 816 611.

Designing, Printing and Delivery

Depending on your leaflet format the price can change, but it is only the number of households to be targeted that affects distribution costs. Double sided, more colours and intricate designs will also up the price, so if you want to cut down then a simpler design can be best.

Should you only require delivery then our calculator includes the option of ‘I will organise my own print’. This provides you with an accurate prediction of how much distribution costs will be. It’s important to note that it’s the number of households and not their location that impacts the price too. So, if you want 10,000 distributing around Bristol, it will cost the same as 10,000 distributed across Peterborough, for example.

The frequency of your Leafletdrop campaigns will also affect how much you are spending. As a one-off campaign in your local area this should be easily affordable, yet if you need to expand to a larger target market or do a campaign every three months, it should be more effective but the costs will start to stack up. We can also print extra leaflets outside of the distribution requirements, contact us to find out more.

7p per Leaflet?

That’s right, with Leafletdrop you can get leaflets designedprinted and delivered from just 7p per item. This will be dependent on the exact number ordered, printed and delivered. Compared to the costs involved with other marketing channels this can be highly cost effective, especially as research has shown that 63% of people are more likely to take mail seriously compared to 18% for email.

Sign up for free and start creating your own tailored leaflet campaigns that fit within your budget. 

Leaflet  distribution offer  Leafletdrop
Leaflet  distribution offer  Leafletdrop

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