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Adapting to the Third-Party Cookie Phase Out with Leaflets

Adapting to the Third-Party Cookie Phase Out with Leaflets

Cookies are loved by everyone, but no one loves them more than marketers. These data bits allowed us to track website visitors, personalise user experiences, and gather crucial data for targeted advertising.

But with the death of third-party cookies, the marketing landscape is going to face a seismic shift. The phase-out gained momentum when Google announced in February 2020 that they wouldn't develop "alternate identifiers" for cross-web user tracking, effectively closing the door on them within their products.

Despite a series of postponements, Google has once again pushed back the timeline for phasing out third-party cookies from Chrome. Originally planned for the second half of Q4 2024, the tech giant now plans to initiate the deprecation process in early next year, 2025.

This decision comes as a relief to marketers and advertisers who heavily rely on third-party cookies, given Chrome's dominant 65% share of the global browser market.

The question now is, how can marketers adjust without third-party cookies?

This blog post will guide you through navigating this cookieless future. We'll discuss the impact of the third-party cookie phase-out on marketing strategies, explore the challenges it presents, and introduce a powerful alternative: leaflet advertising.

First-party vs. third party cookies

Before we proceed, let’s establish a clear understanding of what are third party cookies and how they differ from first-party cookies. While both types of cookies may seem similar in the information they contain and the functions they perform, their creation and the way they are used mark the difference.

  • First-party cookies: are like friendly notes left by the website you're actually on. They remember your login details, preferred language, or items you added to your cart. Basically, they help the website run smoothly for you.
  • Third-party cookies: are like sneaky notes left by other websites. These cookies track your browsing habits across different sites, building a profile of your interests. This is how you see those shoe ads after browsing online stores – websites use these cookies to target you with relevant ads.

Think of it this way: First-party cookies are generated by the website you visit. They serve to remember your preferences and enhance your browsing experience on that particular site.

On the other hand, third-party cookies are created by websites other than the one you are currently visiting. These cookies track your browsing activity across various sites, often for the purpose of displaying targeted advertisements based on your interests and behaviour.

Why is Google crumbling the third-party cookie?

Public concern over user privacy has been a major factor in the death of third-party cookies. Many users feel these cookies are intrusive, silently tracking their browsing habits across websites without explicit consent.

This move by Google aligns with the broader trend of tightening regulations aimed at protecting user data, such as the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

These regulations emphasise the importance of transparency and consent regarding the collection and use of personal information.

In essence, Google is responding to the increasing demand for a more cookieless future where user privacy is prioritised.

How will this impact marketers?

The big question now is how to respond to the loss of third-party cookies. If your marketing strategy heavily relied on those ultra-targeted ads powered by 3rd-party cookies, it's time to brainstorm some new tactics. While it may seem bleak for these cookies, marketers who are open to adaptation could find a golden opportunity in this situation.

Consider it this way: ask yourself questions like "Are we too dependent on these cookies?" and "What happens if our strategy faces regulatory changes?"

With privacy laws tightening globally, the phaseout of third-party cookies is just the beginning. The key here is to diversify and explore alternative methods to reach your target audience.

So, instead of seeing it as a roadblock, think of it as a chance to explore other advertising options that are less vulnerable to future regulations.

How can leaflet advertising help?

The cookieless future doesn't have to limit your marketing reach. Instead of relying on fleeting online ads that disappear in a blink, you can consider the lasting impact of leaflets.

With the phase-out of third-party cookies, advertisers are already shifting gears. The IPA's latest Bellwether Report (Q4 2023) shows a rise in budgets allocated towards traditional methods like leaflet advertising.

In fact, the average person in the UK interacts with a Door Drop around 3.1 times a month (Source: JICMAIL). So, if 1 million people engage with a Door Drop at this frequency, a leaflet distribution campaign could potentially generate approximately 3.3 million impressions or impacts. That's the power of leaflets, something online ads can never quite match!

Here are few reasons why leaflets can be a game-changer in this new cookieless landscape:

1. Targeted Outreach

Leaflets allow for targeted distribution. You can choose specific locations or demographics to ensure your message reaches the right audience – just like those fancy targeted ads you used with third-party cookies!

2. Building Brand Awareness

Eye-catching leaflets can leave a lasting impression, increasing brand awareness and recognition among potential customers.

3. Measurable Results 

By including trackable elements like QR codes or unique discount codes, you can measure the effectiveness of your leaflet campaign and see a direct return on investment.

So, while the death of third-party cookies might seem like a blow, it's also an opportunity to explore powerful post-cookie era marketing strategies like leaflet advertising. Leaflets offer a tangible way to connect with your target audience and achieve your marketing goals, even without relying on cookies.

4. GDPR Compliance

And you can have it all while staying GDPR compliant. As per GDPR rules, you cannot market to an individual based on their personal information (or any identifying information). However, Leafletdrop’s targeting tool utilises anonymous government data to identify geographical areas with certain demographics. Since we don't collect personal data from your customers, all you need to worry about for GDPR compliance are the sign-ups from your leaflet campaign. 

Get started with Leafletdrop

Tap into customers that Google can’t, with Leafletdrop’s smart targeting tool. Reach up to 30 million UK households right from your desktop using our intuitive online platform.

We take care of everything – high-quality printing, expert logistics, and reliable royal mail door-to-door distributions. Whether you're a budding startup or a seasoned industry leader, Leafletdrop offers a cost-effective solution to effortlessly reach & attract new customers.

Don't let the third-party cookie phase out disrupt your marketing efforts – learn how Leafletdrop can keep you ahead of the game. Book a free demo today. 

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