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How Frequently Should You Run Leaflet Campaigns?

How Frequently Should You Run Leaflet Campaigns?

In this article, we look at how frequently one should run leaflet advertising campaigns to consider leaflet distribution as a marketing channel a success.

In line with all forms of marketing and advertising, using leaflet distribution as one of your marketing channels achieves the best results from multiple leaflet campaigns as they work to reinforce your brand and your service or product offering.

Step aside from your own campaigns for a moment and think back to the first time you saw a new brand or product. Initially, your brain will store that logo or that product passively in your memory and thought process. Subsequent encounters with that brand or product leave a much more explicit memory, to such a degree that customers will start to see that logo or product in their daily lives. 

Advertising works best through the influence it creates, the passive seduction of your thought process buying decisions. The more you see a product or service, the more the brand connection develops. Subsequently, when you need that product or service, the marketing you’ve seen in the past comes to mind, and you automatically gravitate towards a particular brand.

One-off leaflet campaigns

A one-off campaign would be considered a single campaign per marketing initiative or an infrequent campaign, such as once a year. 

The benefit of a one-off campaign lies in its novelty and potential to generate immediate buzz and curiosity among the target audience. It can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, leading to higher engagement and response rates. 

However, the consequence of a one-off campaign is its limited impact and sustainability. Without consistent reinforcement, the message may fade quickly from the audience's memory, resulting in less brand recall and reduced long-term effectiveness. 

Multiple or subsequent leaflet campaigns

Multiple or subsequent leaflet campaigns aim to nudge the initial memory about your product and reinforce that recognition – the continued teasing of influence and decision-making.

Subsequent leaflet distribution campaigns produce proportionately better results than the first due to brand familiarity and campaign learnings. Additionally, as leaflets are likely to be shared or stay within a household for several weeks, running several campaigns over a specific period increases the chance that those households will convert.

Ensuring you have the means to measure each campaign enables you to determine the efficacy of each subsequent campaign. Methods of measuring a leaflet campaign include printing discount codes, QR codes or including a custom website landing page for recipients to visit.

5 success factors for a leaflet advertising campaign 

Two factors can most influence the success of a leaflet advertising campaign:

1. Household reach 

Reach, in the context of a leaflet marketing campaign, refers to the number of households your leaflet campaign reached. One of the advantages of a leaflet marketing campaign with Leafletdrop, unlike other marketing methods, such as digital, is that you can set the minimum reach of your campaign by selecting how many households you want to target. Any additional households due to leaflet sharing or leaflets being kept in the house are a bonus!

A high household reach implies that the campaign has successfully reached a large portion of the target market, maximising the potential for brand awareness and message dissemination. However, effective reach entails distributing to not only a large number of households but also the right individuals, those who are most likely to be interested in the product or service being promoted. 

Leafletdrop utilises targeted leaflet distribution based on a combination of different data sources to identify which households would be most valuable for your campaign goals. Therefore your campaign is more likely to be successful through Leafletdrop than another leaflet distributor that does not engage in targeted distribution.

2. Campaign Frequency 

Campaign frequency refers to the number of times you run a leaflet marketing campaign. It could refer to the frequency of the same campaign or several campaigns for the same business. A well-planned and executed frequency strategy helps reinforce brand recall and message retention among consumers, increasing engagement and ROI. 

When a leaflet campaign is run more often, it increases the likelihood of capturing the audience's attention, enhancing brand awareness, and influencing their purchasing decisions. However, finding the right balance is critical.

  •  A low frequency may result in limited message recall and low impact.
  • Too often can lead to ad fatigue and diminishing returns.

The right balance will depend on your goals, target market and budget (let’s not forget that one!).

Striking the right frequency allows you to maintain a consistent presence, reinforcing your brand message and optimising the chances of effectively reaching and engaging your target audience.

Naturally, there will be other factors that will influence how often you run your leaflet campaigns, including: 

3. Seasonality 

Understanding your specific business, the industry and its associated seasonal patterns is crucial for effective campaign planning. For instance, companies operating in the retail sector might experience peak demand during holiday seasons or specific sales events. In such cases, running marketing campaigns more frequently during these periods can capitalise on the heightened consumer interest and boost sales. 

If you don’t experience peak seasons, then to keep your brand in the minds of your potential customers we would recommend a repeat no earlier the 6 weeks from the last campaign but no later than 1 campaign per quarter.

In terms of booking, the standard procedure is to book either 3 weeks before the distribution start date or up to twelve months in advance.

Conversely, businesses affected by off-peak seasons, such as tourism or outdoor activities, may adjust their marketing campaigns to align with the periods of higher demand. 

By strategically timing and adapting leaflet advertising efforts based on seasonality, your business can maximise its impact and engage with customers when they are most receptive, ultimately driving success and achieving your goals.

4. Competition 

Your industry's competition level can influence the need for more frequent or strategically timed leaflet advertising campaigns. In highly saturated markets, where businesses vie for the attention and loyalty of customers, running marketing campaigns more frequently can help maintain visibility and stay top-of-mind. 

As leaflet campaigns produce printed marketing materials, running campaigns too often may annoy households and seem wasteful. However, as targeted leaflet distribution can have one of the highest ROIs across all marketing channels, integrating leaflet advertising into a multi or omnichannel marketing strategy achieves a consistent marketing initiative without flooding any one medium. 

One of the many benefits of booking your leaflet campaigns through Leafletdrop is our unique relationship with the Royal Mail, which means that your leaflets will never get distributed alongside a competitor. You will never have to compete on the doormat, even if your competitors also run leaflet campaigns to the same households.

Understanding the competitive landscape is essential for determining the optimal frequency of marketing campaigns and content for your leaflets, allowing businesses to strike the right balance between maintaining a strong presence and allocating resources effectively.

5. Marketing Budgets

Marketing budgets and their distribution throughout the year are crucial in determining the frequency at which a leaflet marketing campaign should be run. 

A higher budget allows for more frequent leaflet campaigns, enabling your brand to reach a wider audience and maintain a consistent presence in the market. With increased funding, your company can invest in a multi or omnichannel marketing strategy, maximising reach and visibility. 

Conversely, a limited budget might require a more strategic approach. In this case, campaigns will run less frequently or be conserved for peak sales periods when your target audience is most receptive. In such cases, careful planning and optimisation become crucial to ensure the allocated budget is used effectively.

In tough economic times, marketing budgets can be the first thing to go, so more cost-effective marketing methods such as leaflet advertising are easier to keep going than more expensive channels. 

Leafletdrop can advise on campaign frequency for your business

In conclusion, the frequency of running leaflet advertising campaigns can be a critical factor in achieving long-term success. 

Multiple or subsequent campaigns are designed to reinforce brand recognition and influence consumer decision-making. Finding the right frequency balance is crucial, as too low a frequency may result in limited message recall, while too high a frequency can lead to ad fatigue. 

Factors such as seasonality and competition should be considered when determining campaign frequency. Additionally, marketing budgets play a significant role, as a higher budget allows for more frequent campaigns, while a limited budget requires a more strategic approach. 

Leafletdrop has a free pricing tool to help you plan your campaign within your budget and see how far your spend can take you. Try it for free.

Resource management and strategic decision-making are essential to optimise results within financial constraints. 

At Leafletdrop, our experienced Leafleteers can provide industry-leading guidance and best practices to help you maximise your print advertising potential. Contact us at 01628 816611 to learn more.

Alternatively, browse our case studies to see how we’ve helped other businesses like yours to achieve a successful leafleting campaign.

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Sign up today to get your first leaflet campaign underway

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